
Monday, August 23, 2010

Yet more SMART women scientists in pearls -Agnes Warbasse II

Thanks to Mo goes Po devotees, I am offering up more photos of SMART women scientists in pearls.

I have to dash off to work to fill in for a sick employee ,( remember what I said about not forgetting the impact of ordinary 'day job' demands on all the wartime penicillin participants?), so this will be very brief and I will expand it in a later blog.

Agnes Warbasse ,(Junior? or Second,/II ?- we seem to have no convention for mothers and daughters who share the same first name and who both become prominent), was the co-author on what I claim was Martin Henry Dawson's most important paper.

That it is among his least known and least cited doesn't change my argument - in fact I claim it was and isn't cited because of its revolutionary nature.

Agnes Warbasse married in the early 1930s ------and as most married women did then and frequently do today, changed her job to suit her husband's career path - so she left Dawson's lab.

But for two years, between late 1929 and mid 1931, she was Dawson's first research assistant.

Here is a photo of her from around that time period:


Here is a photo of Dawson's last female research associate, Gladys Hobby :

Gladys Hobby

I think it is the eyes that grab you in both shots - the two women seem to be to be intelligent and yet guarded or self-contained. Quietly self confident.

Now I must be off to work ...

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