
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Canadian book publishing as DEAD as Cdn newspapers and record labels : all hail Paula Todd !

Did SHE buy the e-book?
Told you so !  ("I have seen the Future and it is Paula Todd") . Now Paula  has just nailed the final silver stake into the heart of traditional Canadian book publishing.

Paula had a scoop that won't be a scoop much longer and couldn't wait until a traditional book publisher ambled their amiable way to a publication date.

So she self-published it herself, as an e-book, ( thus becoming persona non grata to Canadian publishers) and then her book ended up topping Amazon's Kindle non-fiction lists !

They thought the song would last forever ; they were wrong

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone , give the dog a juicy big bone : bring out the pine box, let's get the job done.....

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