
Monday, July 21, 2014

Celebrating 75 years since the world's first penicillin shots - October 16 1940 Manhattan

There are people still alive who were the first in your community to ever receive a life-saving shot of penicillin.

I know this with great certainty because the first were very often young children who are still in their healthy seventies and eighties today.

Gather up their firsthand oral recollections while they are still alive and healthy - because at the 100th celebration of  the first ever penicillin shots they will all be dead and it will be too late.

I just missed my chance in my own community.

After my sister Tracy leal and her friend Lorna Innes notified me about an old newspaper story of a young girl surviving a life-threatening disease thanks to the first ever use of civilian penicillin in Halifax, I recollected the girl's name from my memory banks.

Now an older woman, I realized too late that she had just died , stabbed by her nephew.

Don't let my experience happen to you in your community.

Manhattan's penicillin has changed our world for the better - time for us to show some thanks back !

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