
Friday, August 10, 2012

Andrew Bolt as the A J Jacobs of denier authors

A. J. Jacobs used to be well known for a series of  very funny and informative books about his year-long experiments in extreme activities - but that fame is soooooo over.

Now he know globally as the King of the Blurbs  - though that title might well be challenged by his fellow mass-blurbers Malcolm Gladwell and Gary Shteyngart.

His "coming-out" article on his blurbing other life is inside The New York Times' paywall and is very funny indeed.

For me, Jacobs' radio interviews on the article are mostly notable for his uncanny ability to hit all - all - of the highlights of the article in 220 seconds or less : a real pro.

He sets a very high mark for the denier crew (people like Andrew Bolt) to set themselves against,  but they do seem to be up for the challenge.

Air-kissingly gushy blurbs "de rigueur" for denier authors

 Just as fictional authors have long created their own echo-chamber where authors agree to gush over each other's latest novel ; so too deniers blurb each other's book and blog with novelist-like abandon.

After all, don't both groups deal strictly in fictional works ?

Darling, who would have ever thought that all those boring old farts in the denier trenches are actually faux-phony air-kissing "actresses"  of the first water .....

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