
Monday, February 27, 2012

1939-1945's Apogee of Modernity :the promise of SYNTHETIC food pills and the reality of NATURAL mass starvation

For 60 years Modernity promised food for all in the form of  little food pills, made artificially out of "air,water and useless coal tar".

The wonders of modern chemistry behold: the promises made at the New York World's Fair of 1939-1940 for the millionth time: food pills aplenty, for all.

But shortly after WWII started , severe hunger appeared throughout much of the world.

That was soon followed by mass starvation in so many places that ultimately lack of enough of the right sort of food killed more people during and after the war than did combat or execution could ever dream of doing.

Where was Modernity's  magical little food pills when the world really needed them ?

Millions died in parts of the British,German,Japanese,Russian and American empires from starvation.

 But these ignoble five, the leading lights of modern science, couldn't even invent enough food pills to save their own people.

The advantages of the little food pills was never claimed to be their taste - even their most ardent proponents admitted to that.

No, their ace in the hole was the claim they would be invulnerable to the vagaries of weather, pests and disease.

 As well,  everyone knew that war leads to harsh food blockades by the enemy and big demands on a  country's agricultural sector from their  own military.

 Blockades lead to the end of imported foodstuffs, animals feed and fertilizers.

 Your own military demands to take away farm labour to the army and to turn the tractor factories into making tanks  and the fertilizer plants into making explosives.

But the chemists promised that just a few huge plants would quickly turn the very air and water, abundant and free, together with the equally abundant, useless, hills of coal waste into cheap, healthy, balanced meals 'in a pill'.

This would stave off death and lead to a military victory for the nation with the best pills.

But it never happened, not once, in all of the six long years of competing warfare between nations of battling Big Scientists.

Big Science ??? Big Mouth: All talk: No Action.


Modern Science's boasts turned out to be as hollow and as wretched as its morality proved to be.

1939-1945 the Apogee of Modernity you say ?

Aye, and its Nadir as well ...

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