
Sunday, February 12, 2012

4Fs,Women & the Grace of God

Modernity, BIG MO, was soooo very big during the years of WWII.
It was supported by the vast majority of the world's middle classes
and by all sorts of elites, from low to high, left to right, everywhere.

 Above all, it was the value system of all the men running the world's governments and that mattered greatly, for at a time of Total War, no government burked any opposition.

But if it was big, it was big like a ballon and just as easily pricked and deflated.

Modernity finally had a war it could call its own and it was messing it up totally - in its own terms and certainly in the view of many ordinary individuals.

It might seem ready for a rebuke.

Still it does seem oddly poetic that BIG MO was able to be piqued by such as a small, sorry, odd of misfits as Dawson's little team was.

It does make for a sort of "the little project that could" ,come from behind, underdog, type story.

But, for once, all true ...

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