
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Crisis-Deniers say THEY won WWII, but I deny that...

It is clear: whoever wins "The War over the Interpretation of World War Two" also wins "The Crisis-Denier War" .

That Battle of Interpretation is over just who won and just who lost WWII (and won or lost it how) .

The truth is nobody won WWII, at least no human society won WWII.

 At best, perhaps, Mother Nature and her human friends won WWII - at least won the intellectual battle part of that war.

If we are honest and compare the final results for human planners against their initial expectations, we must agree 1945 was a crushing defeat for planners on all sides of the war.

But the "MORDER SIND UNTER UNS" are still here, still denying.

When it comes to denying Holocausts, why stop at just one?

They might as well admit it : they're addicted to denial.

Deny, Deny, Deny.

"Hear no evil, see no evil, above all, smell no evil: deny, deny, deny."

They see no crisis, only successes.

They get away with it, at least among older people, because they claim the MYTH of WWII backs their position.

 'Modernist Science found the solutions then and it will do so again ; we just need a few more Manhattan Projects.'

The WWII fact is that WWII science, modernist science, "almost lost Detroit"; the WWII myth is that modernist science saved it.

Chutzpah indeed is modernist science claiming it saved Detroit, when in fact, "we almost lost Detroit" .

The legend of WWII is that "Allied Science beat Axis Soldiers".

"They had the better soldiers but we had the better scientists."

"Modernist Science rescuing the civilized world from Atavistic Violent Warfare."

But Scientism, instead of claiming credit for ending WWII, should accept the bulk of the blame for starting it.

Hitler/Stalin/Tojo were bog-ordinary criminal scum floating upon an extraordinary ocean of evil unleashed by the relentless logic of Modernity and the Enlightenment.

They seized the opportunity to do wrong on a global scale unseen before - but who provided the opportunity ?

Now modernist science, bloodied but still unbowed, is denying that Human actions are destroying this planet in a million different ways - death by a million strokes.

They modestly claim they're actually saving Nature, saving it from the mistakes it has made (!)

I believe the best way to halt the Environmental Crisis is to first confront the myths over WWII - an event that began over 80 years ago and ,at first glance, seems to have little to do with today's energy and pollution problems.

I hope to prove that view wrong: that the first great global environmental, food and energy crisis happened inside WWII, almost unnoticed by anyone but the hundreds of millions of ordinary people who suffered through it .

Re-examining the global environmental,food and energy crisis of the 1940s might serve both as a warning and give us some prevention clues as to how best to deal with a similar global crisis in the 2040s.

Let us , in this way , work to extract what little good we can from that horrible, horrible war...

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