
Monday, March 5, 2012

Tojo/Hitler/Stalin : ganger-bangers 'wasting people' in the ultimate 'hood ...

Say what you will about Gangsta Rappers or the Mafia but you gotta admit they just totally, totally, lack ambition.

After all, they only aspire to waste a few dozen victims over their lifetimes.

But each of the three ganger-bangers dictators of the 1933 to 1953 period aimed much higher.

Each individually 'wasted' tens of millions of people during their reigns.

These were those millions upon millions of people they neither killed during combat nor set out to deliberately and directly murder by gun, rope or needle.

These were all the people that these three dictators figured they could afford to kill off fairly quickly by starvation, neglect and overwork , because the value of their continuing physical labour and brainpower was judged less valuable than the minimal cost of providing them a little more food and care.

Against the minimal numbers of low level people these three killers judged were actually needed in a Mechanical Age and a Mechanical War , there seemed lots more expendable human hands still pouring out the pipeline.

But, in fact, all three lost their wars ( including Stalin) because of their desperate shortages of 'manpower'(ie people) actually needed to successfully impose their will upon Mother Nature and upon other nations.

Forget their millions of deliberate murders - these three spendthrifts 'wasted' more lives than they murdered : even if they had never murdered one soul during their reigns, their Crimes Against Humanity would still make the stones cry out....

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